
September 17, 2013

Goodbye Voyager One


I was very excited to read about Voyager 1 leaving the Solar System the other day. Voyager 1 was launched the same year I was born, so in a sense, I've always grown up with it,1 and I have always wondered if it would reach the end of the solar system at some point.

However, a good friend who's an avid astronomer pointed out that Voyager 1 still has to traverse the Oort Cloud, and probably will not do so for a long, long time. The power source on Voyager 1 will have long since died out.

Anyhow, congrats to Voyager 1 for making it out of the heliosphere and into the deeper space. :)

1 Similarly, I remember as a little kid when Halley's Comet passed by earth in 1986, and I always hoped I'd be alive long enough to see it come back again in 2061.

September 11, 2013

Thought For The Day

Something I found in the book, What The Buddha Taught, specifically quoted from the Dhammapada:

361. Good is restraint of the body. Good is restraint of speech. Good is restraint of the mind. Restraint everywhere is good. The bhikkhu (monk) restrained in every way is freed from all suffering.

Self-restraint seems counter-intuitive, but if you think about it carefully, it actually makes sense.

September 10, 2013

If You're Having a Bad Day

Enjoy this nice song:

Here is the original link too.  To me, this has a nice, subtle "Asian" or "Buddhist" sound to it which is kind of soothing I think.

September 7, 2013

Living With Yourself

This is a great scene from Pirate of the Caribbean: At World's End, jump to 01:55:

The conversation is:

"What? You've seen it all, done it all. You survived. That’s the trick, isn’t it? To survive?"
"It’s not just about living forever, Jackie. The trick is living with
yourself forever."
Good words to live by.

September 6, 2013

One Of Those Days

I always like this "Double Facepalm" image that is circulating around the web:

Today is definitely one of those days.

In all seriousness though, this was some impressive image editing though. :)